Monday, March 2, 2009

Can't you see that wall you built for me?

So today is Monday & being NOT @ work is brilliant.
I think that they should really just extend the weekend.
Throw Monday in there - nobody likes to work 5 days a week.
I know I can't stand it. Yet somehow I manage to *shrugs*

I'm looking very forward to my 'Directions' (Death Cab For Cutie) DVD.
Apparently they got 11 prospective filmmakers to produce fitting movies
for some of their songs. According to one of the reviews I read - 
I'll be sure to find them pretty captivating & it gives a whole new
perspective of 'hearing' the songs. I thought it sounded great anyway.

I'm hoping I can keep up with my usual blogs. 
I have a livejournal & I update pretty rarely - even though that
documents say the past 5 years of my life? 
That's been my longest 'journal' r'ship to date.
Other than that I blogged monthly on my Myspace.
I spent the morning saving those entries. 
Some I had completely forgotten that I'd written.
I need that part of my life back.
The one where I write & there is no worrying
about what I say or who reads it.

I can ramble on about things. I do get into moods & 
I will swear from time to time.
That's a journal is it not, a raw insight to a person.
In life as you get older, there is no actual sugar coating,
there are liars & lies thrown around.
Lies don't belong in my journal.
I will say it as I see fit.
I guess this is a disclaimer of sorts.

Oh how I dread work this week.
The last of my early shifts & then I'll be like most other people.
On the fucking train, oh how I detest public transport.
I do - it's what motivated me to get my drivers licence,
ever since that lady fell asleep on me. Eek.
Now I won't have the comfort of 'my own space' instead
I will share my space with strangers & I'll flood the noise out
the only way I know how - with my iPod's volume up way too loud.

I am desperate for some kind of change, any change.
Just not one that means public transport.


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