Sunday, March 15, 2009

Or I can break & take it with a smile

Okay I am just throwing this out there,
DO NOT in any way - get the Simpsons Season 11 dvd
at least until you've read the following.

So I've waited a couple of months for the dvd.
It's been out for a while & yesterday I decided
to spoil myself - I mean why the hell not?
I never buy anything for myself.

So I get the dvd, I've had an okay day shopping
& I'm finally home & want to enjoy the episodes.
Open the packaging to find that it's nothing like
the previous seasons & I love the earlier packaging.

Okay - so it's a bit different, no harm right.
Getting the DVDs out was a whole other matter.
It appears when you look @ the case that the DVD
can come out of either the left slit or the right slit.
The cardboard is so tight that it's really fucking hard
to get the DVDs out in a slow safe way.
Instead you pour fingerprints all over it
& risk scratching them just to get them out.
But then there's a little surprise...

They have for some dumb-fuck reason -
glue all over them???
Glue on my brand new DVDs? WTF.
There is no way that I've figured out to
get this glue off & as a result 
it has rendered disc two completely unplayable.

I googled the packaging to see if others
had the same trouble as me.
Sure enough - a lot of people have &
apparently JB Hi-FI (where I purchased it from)
had been warning people & gave them instructions on
how to remove the DVDs with a little more ease.
I wasn't instructed - I was told to have a nice day.
Perhaps with the instructions I would have actually had a nice day.

So today means returning the DVDs 
& I assume waiting till the packaging is improved.
Very disappointed.

My weekend hasn't turned out how I imagined it would.
So sometimes when these small things happen,
it's the very thing to push you over that line.
You know the line, between okay & not okay.


Edit. I went to JB Hi-Fi & the girl
there was so lovely. I didn't even have to explain
they already knew the situation she got me a replacement one
& checked the DVDs infront of me to make sure there was nothing
wrong with them. *smiles*
Thank you to kindness of others

1 comment:

  1. really? that's so sad!!! i mean.. irritating! why would there be such a DVD package that is difficult to open. And it made me laugh that the only instruction that they told you was "have a nice day" haha :3.
