Monday, March 16, 2009

Everything is alright if I just breathe

Public transport went awry today.
I got on the correct train &
then @ Roma St, they announced they
were changing it to an express. WOAH!
I got off in time - if I had stayed on that train
I would have been six stations away from where I'd want to be.

Anyway - I then got a train that wasn't an express
& finally got home.
I've got it planned for tomorrow.
I'm not going all the way home @ least.
We're heading to Daniel's (Amber's brother) for dinner.

So that's several stops I'll avoid & 
because I'm letting Amber drive my car.
I'll get to drive home.
I love being in my car - 
it is killing me a little that @ the end of the day
I don't escape into my Morgy!
Still - I don't mind the train.
Except when people have really bad B.O!
Seriously people, do something about that.

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