Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No one's very real today

I am sooking hardcore right now.
Why? There's no real reason.
I just sook in the evenings - I like to think
that it's in an 'utterly adorable' way rather
than 'fucking annoying'.

A very big part of me just wants some time off.
I put in for some holidays in April & May.
I hope I get them, it's so nice to get away.
Even if I don't go anywhere it's still nice to
not go to work.

That's my life. Working. 
Then when I'm not working there's
really not much else I'd rather be doing.
I relax & I love it, I could be accused of
relaxing too much but I feel that if you work full-time
then you've surely earned time off to rest.

I don't have much to say.
It's almost bed time & I don't feel
like I have spent near enough time w/ my gf today.


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